Saturday, October 9, 2010

Compaction Test

O: 4/XI-3/GTK/10

Testing was conducted to understand the relationship between water content and soil density. Can be called also proctor tests and can be done in standard or modified.

  1. Mold compaction 4
  2. Mold compaction 6
  3. Standard compaction hammer
  4. Modified compaction hammer
  5. Extruder mold
  6. Cutter knife
  7. Rubber hammer
  8. Plastic bags
  9. Brick Trowel
  10. Cup
  11. Pan
  12. 1000 ml measuring cup
  1. Prepare the soil samples that have been in drying and then destroy the blob using a rubber hammer. 
  2. Determine the first water content by using speedy.  
  3. Separate soil samples 5 pieces each weighing 2kg (for mold 4) or 4kg (for mold 6) and then input into a plastic bag. 
  4. Take one of the samples were then create the optimum water content estimates in the following way: Spray with water little by little while in stir by hand until evenly distributed. The addition of water can do until the soil mixture that when clenched in his hand and then opened, was not destroyed and will not stick in hand. Having obtained a mixture of ground like this, once this sepereti can mix, record the amount of water added was then specify its water level is calculated as follows: 
  5. Fill the data in column no.3 on form filling experimental data compaction and fill out the columns of the left and right side for the water content of 3% and 6% above and below the optimum water content  
  6. Calculate the additional water needed to make a soil sample with water content that has been determined by the formula:    
           Where:         D = The water content sougt
                              C = Addition of water 
                              B =  Initial water content 
                              A = The weight of soil

Perform the addition of water in accordance with the calculation and save the soil sample for 24 hours for the water content is obtained which is really uneven.

How to Standard Proctor
  1. Weigh the following standard mold base with a precision of 1 gram. Put a mold with a marker so as not to be confused. For how Standartd proctor can use the mold diameter 4 "or 6".
  2. Replace the collar and tighten the nut brace, put on a solid pedestal.
  3. Take one soil sample in a plastic bag that had been prepared then input into the mold about half the height of mold. Mash with a standard 5.5 lb hammer compaction as much as 25 times the collision (for mold 4 ") and 56 times the collision (for mold 6") evenly so that once solidified, the land is filled approximately 1 / 3 high mold.
  4. Do the same for the second and third layers so that the last layer fills the collar (to be slightly higher than at high mold)
  5. Remove the collar and smooth the excess land on the mold by using a cutter knife.
  6. Fill the cavities formed by the remnants of ground soil was cut to obtain a flat surface.
  7. Weigh the following mold base and the soil in it with the precision of a gram.
  8. Remove the soil samples that have been compacted right section of the core samples to check moisture content.
  9. Repeat the procedure 3 to 8 for soil samples lain. Write data on the form so that got 5 pieces of data compaction  
How to Modified Proctor
  1. For how modifiet proctor, could also use a mold with diameter of 4 or 6 and weighing 10 lb hammer compaction.
  2. The number of layers per mold is 5 layers.
  3. The number of collisions per layer to mold 4 is 25 times the collision and to mold 6 is 56 times the collision.
  4. Experimental procedure similar to the standard compaction.

  1. Clean and dry the mold and the finished hammer used to remove rust.
  2. Tighten the nut cover compaction hammer before being used so that the fall is really high standard and bolt was  not worn.
To create a graph of the results of compaction tests should be included also limit Zero Air Void Content (ZAVC) which can be calculated by the formula

Gs = Spesific gravity of soil
Gama w = Weight of water content
w = water content  of soil
Sr = Degree of saturated 
MDD does not exceed the limit ZAVL

Mold and Hammer (Proctor Test)

Balance 311

Test Results

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